****Fans of Horse Racing is a passion project for an owner in the business who does not want to be recognized for some of the opinions expressed. Hetherman Consulting was hired to provide opinion on the game and react to the feedback of those opinions. The company operates a website, plus all the social media accounts. Hetherman Consulting also takes on the personality for the website.
We are from Ontario, Canada
The largest area of racing in North America
15 Racetracks and all Racing Breeds
Harness Racing – Thoroughbred Racing – Quarter Horse Racing
Our Story
We have enjoyed many years travelling and living together throughout North America.
We feel humans deserve more recognition for making the sport great.
We scour the internet and other media outlets for stories about the great people in Horse Racing.
We are passionate about racial diversity and inclusion in the sport and focus on the many people who have made our sport better through a harmonious working environment
Visiting racetracks has always been a passion.